“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.” – Oscar Wilde
Fed up with working hard for your wages to be taken away from you ? Whilst the gas and electricity corporations are making millions, are you struggling like everyone else to make ends meet?
The government and these corporations don’t care about us, the men, women and children of this country. They are all set up to take everything from us in alignment with the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030.
Are you going to sit back and let this happen? It’s time to stand tall, shake off your chains, be free, don’t let them lead you into debt and slavery.
By The Truth Reporter:
If you delve back into the UNN archives you’ll find a stream where a great gentleman called Michael Shakespeare was interviewed on his experiences of dealing with the BBC and their hired enforcement lackeys Capita. His story and others like it show the ceaseless cynicism and bullying nature of the BBC, but he was not cowed by the bullies, he fought back and won.

No Council in history has ever been able to produce the evidence proving the payment of council tax is a mandatory obligation.
Council Tax: The Attachment of Earnings problem
Gavin from Sovereign Empowerment has returned to the channel to go through the process of the Attachment of Earnings issue which affects employed people challenging the legality of the Council Tax demand. Find out more at: https://sovereignempowerment.net/ Sovereign Empowerment YouTube channel: / sovereignempowerment
PROOF Council Have NO AUTHORITY To Send You a Council Tax Bill
“Peace Keepers have been created to help secure a just and equitable existence., coming together to defend the peoples peace, to restore and preserve our inalienable rights, the highest standing in truth to be sovereign.”
Council to Answer Questions Relating to Council Tax NOC NOC Dispute Process
“Peace Keepers have been created to help secure a just and equitable existence., coming together to defend the peoples peace, to restore and preserve our inalienable rights, the highest standing in truth to be sovereign.” Nothing can be done to the prejudice of the people. (Bill of Rights 1688) Law is the people’s birth right. (Act of Settlement 1700) All are equal under the law. No one is above the law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. No one can knowingly impose their will upon any other without freewill. Everybody has lawful excuse to the right of self defence.
Council Tax Fraud
DAVE MURPHY- Tax & Utilities Paperwork Clinic
A workshop detailing the “clean hands” approach to dealing with Utility Companies and Council Tax, presented to the Eastbourne Community Co-operative.
The ridiculous ULEZ expansion is not about health and the environment, it is a giant leap toward Agenda 2030, and its a line in the sand that we must make a stand by.
Ignore the Ultra Low Emission Zone, and deal with paperwork when it comes, thousands upon thousands of us challenge and resist then we can hold the line and halt the march to world government and the final enslavement of man on earth
Observation Deck
Discover how you can save yourself from falling victim to the criminal elements that exploit these zones and avoid paying for someone else’s charges. Pay close attention to this captivating role-play episode as it present a compelling case to a fictitious court, discussing evidence, reasonable doubt, and the precedent-setting Lord Denning Supreme Court case.
The topic is Dealing with Parking Tickets, issued by Traffic Wardens, this approach however requires some pre-planning in the form of a car notice, which is available in the files section of the group.
A basic walkthrough explaining how to analyse and rebut responses to a Notice of Conditional Acceptance.for, in this case, a Bus Lane violation.
The topic is Dealing with (Camera based) Speeding Tickets, and all other unlawful, supposed “violations” triggered by ANPR systems such as ULEZ (Ultra Low Emmission Zone), Bus Lane and Parking “offences”, as a prelude to making the Template available on the group.
A talk about Common Law, contracts, consent and the nature of the system that entraps us
**Please read before watching ** (The getoutofdebtfree.org website featured in the documentary is no longer available in the form presented within the film. It’s advised that you do not use the website as there are reports they are spamming new users. We suggest Beat the Bailiffs and the Banks http://beatthebailiffsandthebanks.co.uk for template letters)